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Because of their inherent mobility, migratory people constitute a type of "fluid nation." 

Movements from unsafe places to those that seem safe, migrations or escapes, unbalance the image of a fix world to replace it with that of a world in constant evolution.

The effects of this phenomenon are seen above all in the process of constantly developing and spontaneous new identities, born from unplanned coexistence. It is this mix of images and cultures that generate a new style that we have defined as the "Migrant Style." This overlapping of elements that unite cultures, are like the pieces of a collage. The seemingly disharmonious pieces come together to create the contemporary style that has already inspired designers and artists all over the world.      

Black had it all
White too.
Their beauty is absolute.
It is the perfect harmony.
                    (Coco Chanel)




The vision of B&W-Black&White is of a new fashion for a new people: ethical and sustainable that combines different histories and cultures, heals the traumas of displacement with the practice of inclusion while respecting identities.


B&W- Black & White operates as art and fashion platform for the research, training and promotion of migrant fashion, a fashion conceived and /or created by asylum seekers, holders of international protection and migrants.


The study, affirmation and consolidation of the migrant style aim to enhance the positive impact of the presence of immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Italy, undermining negative and racist stereotypes.

To promote ethical and sustainable fashion, but also social and work inclusion, research, innovation and the creation of a new space where everyone is valued  for their skills and contribution.


We think of fashion as a system of relationship between "dress, living and identity" («abito, abitare e identità»), for this reason we combine practical actions with artistic and scientific research, to more deeply investigate this complex and wonderful relationship between craftsmanship, contemporary art, design and the society.


We work in 2 directions: that of training and dissemination and that of artistic, anthropological and social research.


It is an interdisciplinary project that contemplates targeted and transversal actions between art and fashion: as art and design residences to create synergies with migrant fashion ateliers, collaborations with large and small brands and maison, consultancy for start ups, and training for existing small businesses.


foto: Loni Mjeshtri


The goal of B&W-Black & White is to consolidate migrant fashion realities in Italy (social cooperatives, companies and fashion projects launched or involving asylum seekers, migrants and holders of international protection) through interdisciplinary and intercultural training, research, consulting, visibility and networking.
Facilitating the emergence of young talents who, due to their background, have difficult access to training, promotion and visibility channels in the fashion industry.
Stimulating the professional empowerment of young migrants to support their study and work continuity and social inclusion.
Being an influential partner for the Italian and non-Italian fashion sector, as a vehicle for direct connection between young talents, migrant ateliers, professional training institutes and large fashion houses.
Deepening a sociological, anthropological, artistic research on the elements and characteristics of an intercultural fashion.

foto: Marco Bellucci

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