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05 B_W Black _ White la tendenza migrant


36  Hands in Fashion foto Caterina
62  Hands in Fashion Caterina
31 Hands in Fashion
B&W-Black&White cultural partner of
Decolonizing the Gaze
The Colonial Heritage of Italian and International Fashion Design and Its Impact on the Collective Imagination.
2022-2023 (Ongoing)


Cultural Partner and Media Partner Workshops and Conferences


B&W-Black&White, involving its Community, takes part in Caterina Pecchioli's participatory artistic research project. The study which involves Afro-descendant stylists, artists, and fashion designers of colonial heritage, starting from the observation of fabrics, and accessories from the Italian and Dutch colonial period (preserved in the collections of the Ex Museo Coloniale in Rome and Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam), intends to identify new meanings about widespread colonial dressing practices and body policies and the effects of colonialism on the individual/collective imagination and design practices.


Project supported by the Italian Council (XI edition, 2022). Cultural Partners: Africa and Mediterranean Magazine - Afrosartorialism – B&W-Black&White, The Migrant Trend APS - CBK Zuidoost (NL) - Framer Framed (NL) - Italian Cultural Institute of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) - Museum of Civilizations (IT) - Thami Mnyele Foundation (NL) - Georgetown University (Washington DC) - Moleskine Foundation – Nation25 - Oriental University of Naples - IUAV University of Venice - Polytechnic of Milan.

IAMISIGO’s AW20 collection, Creative Direction: Bubu Ogisi, Photography: Maganga Mwagogo
B&W-Black&White cultural partner of
Decolonizing the Gaze
The Colonial Heritage of Italian and International Fashion Design and Its Impact on the Collective Imagination.
2022-2023 (Ongoing)


Cultural Partner and Media Partner Workshops and Conferences


B&W-Black&White, involving its Community, takes part in Caterina Pecchioli's participatory artistic research project. The study which involves Afro-descendant stylists, artists, and fashion designers of colonial heritage, starting from the observation of fabrics, and accessories from the Italian and Dutch colonial period (preserved in the collections of the Ex Museo Coloniale in Rome and Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam), intends to identify new meanings about widespread colonial dressing practices and body policies and the effects of colonialism on the individual/collective imagination and design practices.


Project supported by the Italian Council (XI edition, 2022). Cultural Partners: Africa and Mediterranean Magazine - Afrosartorialism – B&W-Black&White, The Migrant Trend APS - CBK Zuidoost (NL) - Framer Framed (NL) - Italian Cultural Institute of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) - Museum of Civilizations (IT) - Thami Mnyele Foundation (NL) - Georgetown University (Washington DC) - Moleskine Foundation – Nation25 - Oriental University of Naples - IUAV University of Venice - Polytechnic of Milan.

Foto 1:  IAMISIGO’s AW20 collection, Creative Direction: Bubu Ogisi, Photography: Maganga Mwagogo

B&W- LAB, Firenze
a cura di Nation25 e FUM Studio, MAD, Murate Art District di Firenze

 1 – 17/06/2022 


Mostra-Laboratorio partecipativo per indagare il complesso rapporto tra abito, abitare ed identità.


La seconda edizione del B&W-Black&White Lab. a Firenze dal tema ABITO mette al centro l'abito come manifestazione di sé. 


Con la partecipazione di studenti richiedenti asilo e rifugiati della Scuola di Italiano "In Altre Parole" e del corso di metodologia della progettazione di moda dell’Accademia Italiana di Firenze.


In collaborazione con: Africa e Mediterraneo, Accademia Italiana, Coop Il Girasole, Le Murate Progetti per l'Arte, Moleskine Foundation, Murate Idea Park, Progetto Agata Smeralda Onlus, Scuola In Altre Parole. Progetto Sostenuto con i Fondi Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese.

B&W- Black&White,
The migrant trend LAB
Implemented by Nation25 at MACRO ASILO, The Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome

June 25th - July 6th 2019, and Oct. 13th - 10th 2019


Participatory exhibition-workshop to investigate the migrant style.


An identity research project starting from the observation of the daily clothing of the participants, asylum seekers and refugees from Africa and the Middle East in particular.


The B&W-Black&White Lab, included a not only a participatory art laboratory, but also a free program of meetings, masterclasses, in-depth conferences, and training on migrant and intercultural fashion.

Furthermore, the first B&W Factory took place in this context, applying the research and theoretical knowledge created to the tangible design of pieces inspired by the Migrant Style.

B&W-Black & White to The Shape of Water
curated by A.I. Artisanal Intelligence, ALTAROMA 2019
4-5 / 7/2019


B&W-Black & White took part in the exhibition on «Reinvention, sustainability and migrant trend» with Emersum and the «From Somewhere» collection by Orsola de Castro.


In this context, B&W presented some brands and young designers seeking asylum. Protagonists with their collections Talking Hands - con le mani mi racconto and Atelier Trame Libere with the young designers Nosakhare Ekhator of Nosa Collezione and Moustapha Sylla  of Sylla Sarto. Moreover the workshop launched at the Macro Asilo to investigate the migrant trend has been carried out together with the B&W Lab. participants.

Victor a Artwork

B & W-Black & White cultural partner of
At Work Venice "Where is South?"
by Moleskine Foundation

9-13 / 09/2019 Workshop 17/09/2019 - 24/11/2019 Exhibition


Cultural Partner of the Workshop and Exhibition


B&W was the cultural partner of Moleskine Foundation in the occasion of the Venetian stage of the AtWork workshop entitled: " Where is South?", Conducted by Simon Njami and addressed at refugees, asylum seekers and holders of humanitarian protection, a stage implemented in partnership with UNHCR.


The notebooks made by the participants during the workshop were exhibited in the context of the “ Rothko in Lampedusa” exhibition, curated by Francesca Giubilei and Luca Berta for UNHCR , in the context of the Venice Art Biennale 2019.

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